pertama aku mendaftar ke waphosting yang indonesia itu boro boro mau coba kecepatanya, mau add domain aja tidak bisa, soalnya tidak bisa memilih hosting plan nya, jadi tidak bisa di create, berusaha tanya sama adminya sampai sekarang tidak ada balasan, untuk saya mendapat informasi di sepeti ini:
Free – Newbie Hosting
Disk space 2,5GB, Bandwith 25GB, Email account 2, FTP account 1, Database 2, Subdomain 2, Parked domain 2
Free – Advanced Hosting
Disk space 5GB, Bandwith 50GB, Email account 3, FTP account 2, Database 3 ,Subdomain 2, Parked domain 2
Free – Big deal Hosting
Disk space 7,5GB, Bandwith 75GB, Email account 4, FTP account 3, Database 4, Subdomain 5, Parked domain 4
Free – Max feature (untuk menggunakan paket ini,anda harus mengajak 5 teman anda menggunakan link khusus anda/refferal link)
Disk space 10GB, Bandwith 100GB, Email account 5, FTP account 4, Database 5, Subdomain 5, Parked domain 5
diatas itu adalah sekarang kita berbicara yang disana saya sudah mencoba memang lumayan sih, no ads, hanya diberi refferal link saja, spesifikasinya seperti ini:
Space 5GB, Bandwith 50GB, Subdomains + Parked Domains + Addon Domains + Redirects, FTP Access + FTP Accounts + File Manager + Backups, MySQL Databases + phpMyAdmin + Cron Jobs + SSH Console + DNS Zone Editor + PHP Info, sayangnya untuk visitor dilimite disini yaitu untuk pengunjung kita dilimite 5000 perhari dan data MYSQL kita dilimite untuk koneksi 10000 perharinya.
lanjut kita ke untuk spesifikasinya silahkan menuju yang jelas limited untuk plant disk space nya, untuk yang 1 ini aku tidak banyak komentar kerena setelah mencoba sampai sekarang domain yang aku add belum resolve ke hostingan ini.
lenjut ke nah hostingan ini yang paling aku malesi, karena setelah aku coba belum apa apa saja akun aku disuspended, alasanya begini " Status : Suspended Reason : Abused Notes : Website is overloading Web or MySQL servers. Notes: WAP sites are no longer allowe" padahal hanya install b2evo saja, dan belum aku apa apain websitenya, sudah bertanya tapi tidak dibalas, dan buat kamu aku saranin jangan ini :D.
lanjut ke hostingan ini menurut aku mantap dengan layanan
tapi setalah aku coba ternyata banner ada dimana mana, tata letaknya pun bisa diatas dibawah bahkan ditengah tengah meskipun munculnya tekadang tapi setelah aku coba muncul juga, tapi jarang dan banyak munculnya ketimbang gak nya :ha3:, jadi mengganggu pool, yowis lanjut.
yang sekarang dari dulu sampai sekarang aku sudah mempromosikan hostingan yang satu ini, hostinga gratis tidak terbatas / unlimited segalanya dan pelayanan yang bagus akan membuat aku bangga dengan hosting tersebut :lol: disamping itu news untuk nuzoka selalu diupdate, ini yang terpenting, karena bila ada server down atau apalah bisa kita tahu, dan ini sedikit cerita news perjalanan aku dengan awalnya hostingan ini limited tapi sekarang unlimite:
SSH now enabled on free account
We are happy to announce that SSH has now been enabled on free hosting accounts with no ads. We hope you will enjoy this extra free feature.
2010-12-10 16:34:24
MySQL Servers Down
The MySQL servers are down right now. We are working to bring them back as soon as possible. We\'ll update when all services are running normally again.
2010-12-14 07:49:19
All Services Are Up!
We are happy to inform you that all services are now up and running correctly. Our data center,, has rectified all outstanding routing issues.
In the meantime, to make up for this extended period of downtime, we have modified our free hosting as follows:
- Increase of disk space from 5 GB to 10 GB
- Increase in MySQL databases from 2 to 5
- Increase in FTP accounts from 1 to 5
- Increase in maximum visitors per day from 5,000 to 10,000
- Increase in maximum hourly MySQL connections from 5,000 to 50,000
- The introduction of SSH
You can learn more about these changes and about the service at
2010-12-14 20:09:47 is now unlimited!
We are very excited to announce some big changes to the service! These are changes we\'re sure you\'ll love!
Starting immediately, all accounts have been upgraded to unlimited status (this covers new signups, as well). This means unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited MySQL, unlimited FTP, and more! Additionally, we have considerably raised the caps on MySQL queries per hour and unique visitors per day, as follows:
- Each domain (or sub domain) that you host with us may now have up to 30,000 unique visitors in every 24-hour period (up from only 10,000!)
- Each domain\'s MySQL databases may now run up to 100,000 connections per hour (up from 25,000 before!)
We hope you are as excited by this news as we are. Please note that maintains its no-ads status, and we will continue to offer the 24/7 support service that helps you out in times of need.
2011-01-15 13:34:17
Domain errors
We are investigating an issue with the TLD domain hosting system. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have everything back in working order very soon. We will post an update when everything is back to normal.
2011-01-21 07:26:53
all systems running properly now
Everything is back up and running. We apologize for the earlier inconvenience. Thank you for your patience as we constantly strive to make our free and unlimited hosting service even better.
2011-02-02 10:55:10
All Services Are Up
We have restored all services. If you experinced any issues we apologize for the inconvenience.
2011-03-02 00:40:53
how you can help
Did you know you can help Here\'s how!
Link to us - we suggest using the text unlimited free hosting or free unlimited hosting for your link, and linking it to You can link to us from your Websites, your forum signatures, and more!
Post reviews - post reviews of the service on sites like , , and . This will help attract attention to
Recommend us to your friends via email, Facebook, MySpace, etc. - You never know who might be looking for a host. Why not tell your friends about unlimited free hosting from relies on your support to continue operating and improving our service. Thank you for your loyalty!
nah dengan adanya news informasi yang selalu diupdate itu kita bisa tahu mungkin website kita down atau error kenapa, apakah dari hosting kita, diatas itu sangat jelas sekali nuzoka telah menambah sedikit demi sedikit plan kita sampai ahirnya unlimited seperti sekarang, kalau tidak ngerti silahkan tekan translate pada pojok kiri atas itu :ek: dan yang bawah sendiri ini yang paling tidak dibisai, karena nuzoka meminta bantuan pengguna untuk menyebarkan link ya itulah, sudah kusebarkan dimana mana om nuzoka, okey, karena saya sudah kemeng nulis dan mumet ga tau apa yang aku tulis sudah aja klik publish post, semoga postingan ku walaupun tidak karoan tapi bisa membatu kamu untuk menimbang kembali memilih calon hosting :D selamat berjuang.. hahaha
makasi mas. keren artikele