Install UnReal iRCD

Menginstal unreal
sebenarnya mudah saja,
bahkan menurut saya
fitur2 nya lebih lengkap
di bandingkan jenis IRCD yg
lainnya, berikut saya berikan
sedikit tutorial menginstal IRCD
lewat ssh dengan Unreal versi
3.2.8 :

- masuk ke shells user account
anda, kemudian berikan
command :
[ircd@ardian] wget http://
- extract file tersebut :
[ircd@ardian] tar -zxvf
-masuk ke direktory unreal :
[ircd@ardian] cd Unreal3.2.8.1
- lakukan proses configurasi :
[ircd@ardian/Unreal3.2.8.1] ./
Installing 17% <-- tekan enter
seterusnya sampai 100%
terdapat beberapa pilihan : ==
ChangeLog [Enter to continue] Do
you want to enable the server
anti-spoof protection? [No] ->
What directory are all the server
configuration files in?
-> enter
What is the path to the ircd
binary including the name of the
src/ircd] -> enter
Would you like to compile as a
hub or as a leaf?
Type Hub to select hub and Leaf
to select leaf.
[Hub] -> enter
What is the hostname of the
server running your IRCd? ->
What should the default
permissions for your
configuration files be? (Set this to
0 to disable)
It is strongly recommended that
you use 0600 to prevent
unwanted reading of the file
[0600] - > enter
Do you want to support SSL
(Secure Socket Layer)
[No] -> enter
Do you want to enable IPv6
[No] -> enter
Do you want to enable ziplinks
[No] -> enter
Do you want to enable remote
[No] -> enter
Do you want to enable prefixes
for chanadmin and chanowner?
This will give +a the & prefix and
~ for +q (just like +o is @)
Supported by the major clients
(mIRC, xchat, epic, eggdrop,
Klient, PJIRC, etc.) with the
notable exceptions of irssi, KVIrc
and CGI:IRC.
This feature should be enabled/
disabled network-wide.
[No] -> enter
What listen() backlog value do
you wish to use? Some older
have problems with more than 5,
others work fine with many
[5] -> enter
How far back do you want to
keep the nickname history?
[2000] -> enter
What is the maximum sendq
length you wish to have?
[3000000] -> enter
How many buffer pools would
you like?
This number will be multiplied by
[18] -> enter
How many file descriptors (or
sockets) can the IRCd use?
[1024] -> enter
Would you like any more
parameters to configure?
Write them here:
[] -> enter
setelah tahapan diatas, akan
muncul :
Now all you have to do is type
'make' and let it compile. When
that's done, you will receive
other instructions on what to do
-maka ketik :
[ircd@ardian/Unreal3.2.8.1] make
proses instalasi akan berjalan,
untuk menyempurnakan proses
compile ircd, lanjutkan dengan
menjalankan perintah :
[ircd@ardian/Unreal3.2.8.1] make
- ok, skrg ircd udh selesai, tinggal
di run, tetapi sebelumnya, edit
terlebih dahulu file
unrealircd.conf, UPSSS, dimana
file itu?? koq gak ada??
Download aja yg udh saya
setting, hehehhe, tinggal edit
ntar, maka jalankan perintah :
[ircd@ardian/Unreal3.2.8.1] wget
-extract file tersebut :
[ircd@ardian/Unreal3.2.8.1] tar -
zxvf configircd.tar.gz
- seeep, skrg tinggal mengedit
file unrealircd.conf nya, lakukan
perintah :
[ircd@ardian/Unreal3.2.8.1] pico
- setelah selesai, skrg tinggal
mengedit file oper.conf nya,
lakukan perintah :
[ircd@ardian/Unreal3.2.8.1] pico
- terakhir, skrg tinggal mengedit
file connect.conf nya, lakukan
perintah :
[ircd@ardian/Unreal3.2.8.1] pico
nah, lakukan proses edit, bagian
admin serta server yg mau di
gunakan, akan lebih mudah
mengedit menggunakan
program winscp.
-baiklah, saya anggap sudah
selesai di edit, skrg tinggal
menggunakan jurus run :
[ircd@ardian/Unreal3.2.8.1] ./
unreal start
Alhamdullilah, ircd pun berjalan,
Opppssss... tunggu dulu,
walaupun server udh jalan, tp
service seperti chanserv, nickserv
dan botserv blm ada tuh.... nah
gimana cara supaya ada????
next posting aja ya? hehehehe.....

Diposting Oleh ArDiaN

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